St. Marys Little Theatre is holding auditions for their special Christmas show “The Littlest Angel” on Tuesday, October 23 from 6 to 8 pm at Theatre by the Trax in St. Marys. This classic Christmas story of a little angel who is transformed from a celestial pest to the toast of the Heavenly Host is brought magically to life in this humorous, touching and, above all, inspirational musical. Filled with melody and mirth, the story follows the adventures—and misadventures—of the Littlest Angel, from his reluctant entry through the Pearly Gates to the triumphant conclusion when his gift to the newborn Christ Child is miraculously transformed into the shining Star of Bethlehem. All the familiar characters of the endearing original story...
MEDIA CONTACT: BARBARA RYAN, 912-729-1103, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE… MARYS LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS STEEL MAGNOLIAS MARYS, GA—Tickets for St. Marys Little Theatre’s “Steel Magnolias” are now on sale, and producers predict an early sell-out. “We’ve added a sixth performance to meet the demand,” said Barbara Ryan, co-director and chair of St. Marys Little Theatre (SMLT). “Already, we’re seeing women gathering as groups to see the show. This is the ultimate ‘Girls Night Out’ experience.” Ryan said men would enjoy the show as well and maybe come away with just a little better understanding of what makes women tick. It’s been called hilarious and heartwarming, and as a movie won Golden Globe Awards for Julia Roberts and Sally Fields. Six SMLT...
Tickets for St. Marys Little Theatre’s “Steel Magnolias” are now on sale, and producers predict an early sell-out. “We’ve added a sixth performance to meet the demand,” said Barbara Ryan, co-director and chair of St. Marys Little Theatre (SMLT). “Already, we’re seeing women gathering as groups to see the show. This is the ultimate ‘Girls Night Out’ experience.” Ryan said men would enjoy the show as well and maybe come away with just a little better understanding of what makes women tick. It’s been called hilarious and heartwarming, and as a movie won Golden Globe Awards for Julia Roberts and Sally Fields. Six SMLT actresses each epitomize the definition of a “steel magnolia”—a woman who possesses the strength of steel...